June 12

You’re forgetting Infrastructure Platform Engineering… You shouldn’t.

As platform engineering has grown and expanded, the focus of vendors and teams has often revolved entirely around the developer and the experience. Kaspar explores how this over-optimisation on DevEx has led teams to forget that platform engineering is a multiplayer game, and should serve Infrastructure and Operations teams as well.

Good platform engineering thinks holistically about how it is serving all teams.

Your Internal Developer Platform cannot cater only to developers. As over-optimizing the platform for one group can often accidentally come at the expense of another. And too often in platform engineering initiatives it is Infrastructure teams who bear the brunt of this.

While it's crucial to simplify resource creation and deployment for developers, it's equally important to consider the workload and challenges faced by the teams managing and maintaining these resources. A holistic approach to platform engineering ensures that all teams benefit and work efficiently together.

Kaspar von Grünberg
CEO, Humanitec
Kaspar von Grünberg

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