June 10

How to become a platform engineer

You want to join the platform engineering revolution, but not sure where to start? In this talk, Luca will set the record straight on the latest standards and best resources you can use to advance your platform engineering journey. Plus you’ll get a little SURPRISE announcement in the end!

In this talk, Luca will answer one of the most asked questions in the community: “How can I become a platform engineer?”. Platform engineering has been taking the cloud native industry by storm in the last two years. So many DevOps and cloud practitioners (as well as newcomers) are now looking to upskill and join the platform revolution. But where can you start? The CNCF landscape is overwhelming just to look at. Different voices say different things.

Luca will set the record straight on the latest standards and best resources you can use to advance your platform engineering journey. Plus you’ll get a little SURPRISE announcement in the end!

Luca Galante
Product, Humanitec
Luca Galante

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