June 13

Platform Orchestrator - The platform engineering game changer

With platform engineering becoming integral to the way companies build and deploy to their cloud native setups, enterprises are turning to Platform Orchestrators to ensure their Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs) are secure and scalable.

Platform orchestration is heating up 🔥More and more platform teams are realizing that simply slapping a portal on top of their cloud native setup and calling it a day won’t cut it any longer. For your platform engineering initiative to have a real impact, you need to start building your Internal Developer Platform from the ground up. This means starting from a backend, where all your complex logic and golden paths are designed and implemented.

In this talk, Luca will discuss pipeline-based vs graph-based backend design for your IDP. And why top performing engineering organizations use a Platform Orchestrator to handle their platform logic.

Luca Galante
Product, Humanitec
Luca Galante

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