Ran Isenberg

AWS Serverless Hero | Principal Software Architect, CyberArk

Ran Isenberg is an AWS Serverless Hero, a Principal Software Architect at CyberArk, a blogger, and a global public speaker with over 20 conferences, talks, and two AWS re:Invent sessions under his belt.

Ran is a serverless advocate passionate about CI/CD and AWS CDK. He maintains a blog where he shares his knowledge and experience in the serverless world and thoughts about technology in general.

Ran contributed several utilities to the AWS Lambda Powertools open-source project and maintains numerous serverless-related open-source projects on his GitHub account. One of these projects is the AWS Lambda cookbook, a serverless service template that gets you started in the serverless world in seconds using all the best practices.

Ran shares his knowledge at dozens of conferences, podcasts, webinars, and meetups, publishing the recordings on his blog.

On a personal note, Ran is a proud father of two boys, an amateur barista, and plays the electric guitar.

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